
New Video Release - "Unbroken" BLACK VEIL BRIDES (2013)

"Unbroken" es el video oficial de la lírica de la canción "Unbroken" de los rockeros Black Veil Brides,

Dice la banda: "Octubre es el mes del Anti-Bullying, y para mostrar nuestro apoyo a los afectados negativamente por la intimidación, hemos creado la camiseta 'Unbroken'
Hemos recopilado las fotos que teníamos [de los fans] y que envíaron [ellos] usando las camisetas y la convirtieron en el video lírico 'Unbroken'.

("Unbroken" is the official video of the song lyric "Unbroken" by rockers Black Veil Brides,

Says the band: "October is Anti-Bullying Awareness Month, and to show our support to the ones negatively affected by bullying, we created the 'Unbroken' shirt. We compiled the photos we had [fans] send in of [them] wearing the shirts and turned it into the 'Unbroken' lyric video.

Says the band: "October is Anti-Bullying Awareness Month, and to show our support to the ones negatively affected by bullying, we created the 'Unbroken' shirt. We compiled the photos we had [fans] send in of [them] wearing the shirts and turned it into the 'Unbroken' lyric video.)

Vocalist Derrick Green of Brazilian/American metallers SEPULTURA was recently interviewed by The Age Of Metal. You can now listen to the chat using the Mixcloud widget below.

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